How a Film Production Agency Can Help You with Pre-production


Preproduction describes the planning stages of any media production. It happens before any shooting occurs. It entails everything it takes to make a production successful. A film production agency is critical during this stage. The more organised and clearly an idea is articulated, the more likely it will succeed. The stages of pre-production can roughly be broken into three parts, though the order may vary based on the project:

Stage 1

The first stage is getting in contact with the film production company. You will either present the idea you want to create or ask them to develop an idea. When you have decided on a clear concept for your project, they can begin planning. The first thing they will do is establish your budget for the content you want to create. 

Stage 2

Now the script and artistic direction can be fleshed out. This may be through story boarding and illustrations trying to capture the nuance of your product. This will also include scouting for the location or deciding a set. Finally, it will outline what equipment, i.e. lighting and audio, is needed, how many actors and what type of persons will be required for the production.

Stage 3

The last stage is about consolidating all the fine details. For example, when will the shooting occur, who needs to be there and what equipment needs to be hired or brought in. After that, rehearsals can begin, and any last-minute adjustments will be finalised.


film production agency


Why Is the Pre-production Phase So Important?

The project's design is crucial because it can help eliminate problems down the line. In addition, research on the post-production phase has highlighted that pre-production is an essential step for quality control and assurance. 

This is often where a film production agency becomes necessary to facilitate the optimum outcomes. Usually, their experience and understanding of the industry will help avoid going over budget, wasting time, and mismanagement.

Moreover, pre-production can be a good indicator of the overall success of a project. For example, a study by the University of Florida demonstrated that people’s emotional reaction to story boarding at the pre-production phase was similar to how they reacted in post-production. 

In other words, if you have a project in the pre-production phase, you can submit it to an audience before investing money in its creation to see whether the content works. This can help you to save a lot of money and effort.

Benefits of Using a Film Production Agency in Pre-production

Ultimately the success or failure of a project will come down to good planning. In Steve Cartwright's book on pre-production planning, a producer and motion graphics director explains this problem in detail. He points out a typical example of what can happen without proper production design. 

He describes a company attempting to save money by not carrying out site surveys on the day before a shoot. As a result, the planned two hours of shooting is delayed by a full day. This is because there weren't any good backgrounds to shoot from. In addition, there were sound problems due to a nearby PA system and a power surge due to the electrical requirements of the filming equipment. As a result, the project goes significantly over budget. All the shooting has to be redone at a new location.

As this example shows, an experienced film production agency will spot these problems beforehand. As a result, using a film production agency can:

  • Save money
  • Save time
  • Create better quality content
  • Offer their expertise
  • Help you tell you to tell your story the right way
  • Help you keep on top of industry trends.

Take a look at the projects High Stake films has brought to life.


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