Creating Video Content: What Happens?


If you want some fresh content for your brand, either to accompany existing stills and copy, or you’re after some stand-alone AV work for a product launch, but don’t know how the whole thing works, keep reading.


We’re going to walk you through what happens here at High Stakes when we’re working on an AV campaign that will knock all your competitors out of the water.

Our Approach


Here at High Stakes, we like to think of ourselves as being ahead of the curve of agile content creation. This means we understand that while the market is oversaturated with brands all vying for the same air space, we’re prepared to work harder to ensure your products get the visibility and sales they deserve.


Each project starts with a timeline that uses technology to achieve fabulous results in real-time. 


First: we make a plan

Next: we spend time creating the campaign either in-house or on location

Then: we’ll review it in the studio and test it

Before: the campaign goes live


That’s it.

Knowing Your Audience


Agile content creation is a really advantageous way of marketing to your target audience. It means using technology alongside our AV work and stills to see how your target audience is reacting to your campaign. That way, you can be fully responsive to your audience, adjusting your marketing to ensure your campaign is successful.


It works for us because we know your audience. We have instant access to 2,000+ U30s who give us real-time unfiltered opinions not only on brands we work with but also on modern-day cultural issues shaping our society. 


Having an agile approach means we can push out meaningful content that engages with your audience every time. Take a look at just one example, with our work for New Balance. We spent six weeks in-house in pre-production, travelled to 4 Russian cities, shooting 90 pieces of AV and stills across all channels, did a few retouches, and it was all done in 8 weeks. Now that’s agile.

Agile Content is the Future


We all know that video is the kingpin of brand marketing. Last year 96% of consumers watched more video content than in previous years. While some of that high statistics may be attributed to lockdown, we know that 90% of consumers want to see more video content from brands. 


But why? Here’s what we think:

  1. Video content is emotional. It’s powerful. It’s engaging, and it can be funny.

2.            Video content gives your brand personality and depth; there’s nothing two dimensional about an inspirational and shareable video that tells your story.

3.            It boosts your SEO on your website. Your audience will hang out longer with you if you give them something meaningful and clever to watch.

4.            It can be shared easily and quickly across multiple sites on multiple devices, with your audience taking part in sharing your story for you.


Taking an agile approach to your video marketing makes sense if you want to stay relevant. 

Our Clients Love It


Being an agile production agency means that we can deliver work to our brand’s doorsteps knowing that our clients have been with us throughout the creative process. 


Taking this approach means we are collaborative, transparent, and just a lot easier to work with because our clients know exactly where we’re at with every project in real-time. The same goes when we get down to analysing the content’s success rate. As a result, there are no hideous surprises. 


Our clients also love it because before anything goes anywhere, we’ll test it with their target audience. In our case, we have instant, unfiltered access to a 2,000+ global group of U30s who aren’t shy about telling us what they think of our content. 


We can measure responses to video campaigns before they’re launched, giving us the wiggle room to tweak them if necessary and see which edits work and which don’t. As a result, everyone learns what’s working and what isn’t while telling your brand’s story and reaching your target audience.


The result? No more boring and predictable video content. Get in touch at and find out more about creating culture-driven agile video content every time. 


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