10 Types of Video Your Business Can Start Using Today

Video marketing is at the forefront of any marketer’s mind - its success is undeniable, the ROI is promising, and the audience engages with this type of content better than any other. Still, if you’ve never worked with a production agency before or thought about how you might produce your own video content. In that case, video can be a daunting prospect.

If you’re new to video marketing and don’t know how your business might benefit, don’t fret! We’ve listed all the basic video formats that benefit companies like yours already and that a production house in London can help you realize.

The 10 Types of Video to Boost your Business

Without further ado, let’s jump right into our list!

1.   Product Videos

Product videos highlight the features of a product and show it from all the best angles. These videos are great for product pages on your eCommerce store and help customers make a more informed buying decisions.

Production house in London

2.           Explainer Videos

Explainer videos set out to educate your audience about how to solve a problem pertinent to your niche. This is a great way to share your knowledge and offer great value to your customers.

3.           Onboarding Videos

Use onboarding videos to welcome customers into your services and programs, explaining how certain features work and what you offer. Alternatively, an onboarding video can boost your employer's brand by welcoming new hires to your company.

4.           Internal Training

Videos are so much more engaging than text handbooks, as they allow your employees to see what needs doing step by step. Use video to provide internal training time and time again and save time and stress by not having to send over a mentor or re-explain old concepts.

5.           Testimonial Videos

Social proof is one of the best ways to promote your products and drive conversions. Interview happy customers about their experience with your products and show them interacting with your brand on video.

6.           Promotional Videos

These are your traditional ads but in video format! Create engaging video invitations to follow a call-to-action. Get creative with promotional videos. They can be funny, informative, or emotionally impactful.

7.           Company Culture Videos

Show off what makes your company culture special with behind-the-scenes footage and a video outlining what matters to your brand. This is great for both new employees and customers who want to see what life at your company is like.

8.           Social Videos

Grab attention on social media with shareable and entertaining video content designed for feeds. This applies to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, just to name a few! Short and snappy videos are best on these platforms, as viewers quickly scroll past most posts.

9.           Livestreams

Livestreams provide endless opportunities. Stream a Q&A session with your team, an event, or a discussion to showcase more of your team and let viewers interact with you for more than just a few seconds. Engage with live chat while running your event to form an even deeper connection.

10.        Video Series

Create an engaging and informative video series on a topic relevant to your niche. This could include a range of tutorials, a series on the actualization of a project, or inspirational talks similar to TedX.

We hope this article has given you some ideas to get started! Once you know how you want video marketing to help your brand, it’s time to find a production agency that can bring your vision to life. High stakes Film is a production house in London that works with unique brands to tell their stories through video. Get in touch today to discuss your next project!


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